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English Ukrainian Bilingual Program (EUBP)

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English Ukrainian Bilingual Program (EUBP)

Prince Edward School offers the English-Ukrainian Bilingual Program (EUBP) which provides a very special and unique learning environment that inspires academic excellence, creative expression, and a rich multicultural experience. In addition to these benefits, beginning in Grade 4, EUBP students study the Manitoba Curriculum in three languages – English, Ukrainian, and French. The English-Ukrainian Bilingual Program enables students to study approximately 50 percent of their school day in English and 50 percent in Ukrainian.

Subjects studied in English:                                                                     

  • English Language Arts
  • Mathematics 
  • Science    
  • Physical Education
  • Choir and Music                                                                   

Subjects studied in Ukrainian:

  • Ukrainian Language Arts
  • Social Studies
  • Art and Health
  • Music and Choir

Basic French is taught starting in grade 4

Throughout the year we celebrate numerous traditional cultural events such as:

More Information:

  • Entry level to the EUBP is Kindergarten or Grade 1 with some exceptions.
  • Students may continue the study of Ukrainian at Chief Peguis Middle School and then receive credits toward their high school diploma.
  • Beyond high school, Ukrainian is offered at the University of Manitoba, at Oseredok – Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Centre, and through various continuing education courses.
  • Please also visit the

10 Benefits of Learning Ukrainian in School
By:  Iryna Konstantiuk

1.   Studying Ukrainian as an additional language enriches career, travel, and cultural opportunities, cultivating a wider, more complex worldview. 

2.   It is easiest to acquire a second language at a young age.

3.   Being bilingual benefits children intellectually, psychologically, and socially.

4.   Studying Ukrainian teaches children to respect and understand other cultures of all kinds. 

5.   For those who may have Ukrainian ties, it provides an opportunity to learn more about their family's heritage, customs, and traditions.

6.   Children can improve their fluency in English by understanding its structural similarities to and differences from Ukrainian language.

7.   Learning Ukrainian enhances children's vocabulary and helps them to understand sentence construction and grammar in both languages.

8.   Ukrainian language education enables and enhances the ability to speak and interact with others in different environments.    

9.   Research on bilingualism demonstrates that learning Ukrainian will increase children's metalinguistic awareness and cognitive flexibility.

10. Research has shown that studying another language strengthens creativity.

Manitoba Parents for Ukrainian Education (MPUE)

To ensure that the Ukrainian language endures and flourishes, Manitoba Parent for Ukrainian Education is dedicated to promoting, enhancing and expanding the English-Ukrainian Bilingual Program (EUBP) in Manitoba. MPUE is the umbrella organization that provides support for the parent organization associated with each of the schools providing the English-Ukrainian Bilingual Program. The program offers a balance of English and Ukrainian instruction, allowing each student to gain a rich understanding of the language, traditions and heritage.

For more information:

Did you know?

*  You don't have to speak Ukrainian at home to enroll your child in the program.

*  You don't have to be of Ukrainian descent to take part in the program.

*  The English-Ukrainian Bilingual Program has been ongoing in the public school system for over 25 years.

*  The French language is taught starting either in Kindergarten or Grade 4 depending on the school.

*  Children coming from different countries find it a welcoming place to learn English and make new friends.

*  There is no additional cost to enroll in the program.

*  Schools that offer the program many also offer additional activities such as Ukrainian dancing and multi-school field trips.

*  Many programs schools offer before and after school programs.

*  There is busing to program schools within the division based on divisional guidelines. 

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